Restorative dentistry includes fixing damaged or diseased teeth to improve appearance, function and health. It also helps prevent future problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease. 남가좌동치과

Plaque buildup can be removed during dental cleanings, which also allow your dentist to check your current restorations for wear and tear.

Teeth cleaning

Teeth cleanings are routine dental treatments that remove plaque and tartar, and polish off surface stains. They are important because they help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

In addition to preventing gum disease, regular cleanings can reduce inflammation in the mouth and improve blood flow. This can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, and improve diabetes control in people with type 2 diabetes.

A regular cleaning typically involves a hygienist removing buildup, polishing teeth, and flossing. It may also include a fluoride treatment or x-rays.


A filling is used to repair tooth decay that causes a hole in a tooth. The dentist removes the bacteria, cleans and dries the area and then fills it. This closes off the space to stop bacteria from causing further damage and a potential infection in your gums or bloodstream. 이일우치과

We can also use composite resins to repair small chips and stains on your teeth that cannot be removed by brushing or whitening. This is a safe, quick and noninvasive treatment.

Root canals

If a tooth is badly damaged by decay, cracked fillings or gum disease, root canal treatment may be needed to save it. Symptoms include pain or tenderness, sensitivity to hot and cold, puffy and swollen gums.

Inside every tooth, beneath the white enamel and hard layer called dentin is a pulp made of blood vessels and nerves that extend through canals in the roots. When infected, this pulp tissue can create a tooth abscess that requires emergency treatment with a root canal.


If a tooth is so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired, extraction is the best option. This is especially true for teeth that are impacted or broken beneath the gum line.

Veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment that corrects misaligned, crooked, or discoloured teeth. They are usually made of porcelain or dental composite resin.

Before the procedure begins, we will numb your tooth and surrounding tissue with local anesthesia. Next, the tooth is removed from its socket and the area is cleaned and sanitized.


Dental crowns are life-like prosthetics that cover damaged teeth. They restore their appearance and strength, and help protect the remaining tooth from further damage.

Large fillings may necessitate a crown in order to add more strength to a weakened tooth. Crowns can also replace a tooth that has suffered severe erosion due to acid reflux or GERD.

Our CEREC chairside dental technology lets us build and insert ceramic crowns, inlays and onlays directly in our office, saving you the expense and inconvenience of additional visits to your dentist.


Veneers are a simple way to transform your smile. These thin, porcelain teeth overlays look like new tooth enamel and can address common cosmetic concerns, including stains that resist or do not respond to bleaching treatments and chipped or worn down front teeth.

First, your dentist makes an impression of your tooth or teeth and determines the natural shade to create veneers that match your natural teeth perfectly. They then bond the resin to the surface of your tooth using dental bonding and a special type of light to cure it.


Implants provide a solid foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and act like natural teeth. They also help to maintain bone density and support facial structures.

Dental implants require a commitment to good oral hygiene practices and to follow your dentist’s and/or surgeon’s instructions. Failure to do so can result in infection of the implant and/or abutment.

Patients with underlying gum disease or who engage in behaviors that inhibit healing such as smoking or drug use may not be candidates for implant therapy. In these cases, other options such as a bone and/or soft tissue graft may be available.